Monday, August 13, 2012

Oh, I wish someone had told me...

Can I challenge you today... to seek God. To really seek who He is. To dig deep into His Word to see what He wants you to know about Him. His Word is awesome! If you disagree with that statement than you've never studied it. It strengthens and renews. 

I wish someone had told me, at the beginning of our infertility journey, to seek God fervently. When we were in the midst of it all, infertility defined me. It was easy to feel sorry for myself when my identity was wrapped up in my circumstances. Which, for years, is exactly what I did... felt sorry for myself. Felt sorry that I couldn't do what EVERY woman has the God-given ability to do. Felt sorry that I couldn't provide my husband with what we both so desperately wanted. Felt sorry that we had to try so hard, spend so much money, and go through so much just to get what so many women throw away. When you focus on all that, it's very easy to feel sorry for yourself. I wasted so many years focused on myself. God wants us to be focused on HIM. To fix our eyes on what never changes. 

I would like to encourage YOU, seek Him today. Read about His awesome power, His majesty, His promises and His unfailing love for you. His identity never changes. He's the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Seek who you are in Him and your identity won't falter. Colossians 2:7- "Keep your roots deep in Him and have your lives built on Him. Be strong in the faith, just as you were taught, and always be thankful." Life is a lot easier to handle when your roots are deep in Him and your life is truly built on Him. We can find peace in the midst of chaos, and if you have gone through infertility, than you KNOW chaos. 

Once you know God, truly know Him, it's easy to hope in Him. Colossians 1:5- "You have this faith and love because of your hope, and what you hope for is kept safe for you in heaven." This verse is especially dear to my heart. What I hoped for is truly safe in heaven. And because of my faith, new hope in Him rises. He is good! 

When you see God for who He really is (not for what we want Him to be), trusting becomes easier. Letting go and allowing Him to work becomes easier. Loss becomes easier. Healing becomes easier. Disappointment becomes easier. Peace is accessible.

Seek Him.